• Fina Sofiyah
  • Ighfirli Maisaroh
  • Lailatul Ramadhania
  • Saidatul Annisah
  • Sila Rizkiyah
  • Siti Maisaroh
  • Reza Ardiansyah
Keywords: macroalgae, herbarium learning media, gopit beach


Research on the Identification of Macroalgae on Gopit Beach, Malang Regency as a Learning Aid for wet herbarium specimens in the ITSNU Pasuruan Plant Taxonomy Course. The purpose of this research is to explore, describe and utilize various macroalgae around Gopit Beach, Malang Regency as a means of learning wet herbarium for ITSNU Pasuruan students. Learning media is a tool that supports the teaching and learning process, clarifies the meaning conveyed so that the learning process becomes more interesting. One of these learning tools is the hebarium. Herbarium is a wet or dry specimen (plant collection). The method used in this research is descriptive exploratory method and sampling is done by road transect method. During the research around Gopit Beach, Malang Regency, 14 species of macroalgae were found which belonged to three phyla: Chlorophyta, Rhodophyta, and Phaeophyta. From the observations, it can be seen that the most abundant macroalgae are found in the phylum Rhodophyta and Chlorophyta, because the species of these two phyla have adaptations that allow them to live well in waters, where there are tidal areas. To date, the phylum Phaeophyta has only two species. These macroalgae can be multicellular or unicellular. Among all the macroalgae obtained, it is used as a research medium in wet herbarium. The importance of macroalgae as marine ecosystems and learning resources is reflected in their morphological diversity, habitat, and ecological characteristics and economic roles. Therefore, this study makes a significant contribution to the understanding and conservation of macroalgae species.


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How to Cite
Sofiyah, F., Maisaroh, I., Ramadhania, L., Annisah, S., Rizkiyah, S., Maisaroh, S., & Ardiansyah, R. (2024). IDENTIFIKASI MAKROALGA DI PANTAI GOPIT KABUPATEN MALANG SEBAGAI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN HERBARIUM BASAH PADA MATAKULIAH TAKSONOMI TUMBUHAN ITSNU PASURUAN. Jurnal Penelitian & Pengkajian Ilmiah Mahasiswa (JPPIM), 4(4), 8-16. Retrieved from