• Atika Z.R
  • Ferdinandus M.K
  • Bartolomeus N.K
Keywords: Teacher, Obstacles


Teachers have an important factor in forming human character and in efforts to educate the lives of the Indonesian people, therefore a teacher must always carry out his obligations with a full sense of responsibility and focus on developing students' knowledge. Apart from that, teachers must also develop their abilities both in terms of knowledge and skills in teaching and learning activities in the classroom. It cannot be denied that in teaching and learning activities or in the professional development process a teacher will definitely encounter several obstacles, both from outside and from within. Therefore, the research team took this topic to analyze what obstacles a teacher faces both in the teaching and learning process and in the process of developing the teacher's professional abilities themselves. Apart from that, the research team will also discuss the suitability of the teaching profession in terms of material and facts in the workplace, using an interview method with one of the teachers at the Adi Husada Health Vocational School as a resource person.


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Undang-undang Nomor 14 tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen

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How to Cite
Z.R, A., M.K, F., & N.K, B. (2024). MENGKAJI PROFESI KEGURUAN MELALUI TEORI DAN FAKTA DI LAPANGAN. Jurnal Penelitian & Pengkajian Ilmiah Mahasiswa (JPPIM), 5(1), 44-50. Retrieved from