• Kristian Seingo Ngongo
  • Nukhan Wicaksana Pribadi
Keywords: Strengthening the character of patriotism in students,


Character cultivation through the world of education can erase the negative attitude that students often do, because with this education is not only a matter of knowledge only that is expected but attitude and skill, The purpose of this research is to investigate the importance of facing the era of globalization and modernization with the strengthening of the character of love of the homeland in students as the successor generation of the nation, one of which is through the education of citizenship. The problem in this study is, (1) to describe the form of strengthening of the character of the Love of the Land that the teacher did against the students of Class IX E in the State Primary School of 1 Jabung Malang (2) for describing the obstacles faced by the teacher of the PKn in strengthening the characters of the love of the land in students of the Class IX e in the state Primary school of 1 jabung malang (3) To describe a solution to overcome obstacles in the strengthening in the character the motherland through the education of the citizenship in the student of the 9th class of E at the State High School of 1. This research is a kind of qualitative research. Data collection techniques used through observations, interviews, lifts and documentation. The results of this study are based on the study of strengthening the character of love of the homeland through education of citizenship in students (Study of Class IX E of the State Primary School 1 Jabung Malang), can be concluded as follows: 1. The form of reinforcement of character love of homeland in the school can be done with several things: (a) For example, at the beginning of the class of citizenry, students are asked to pray, sing national songs, and read Pancasila according to their respective teachings and beliefs. values of nationality or nationality. Teachers also motivate students with stories about Indonesian heroism, nationality or humility. (b) through other activities such as extracurricular activities, such as local dancing or flagshooting. 2. The obstacles to strengthening the character of the love of the homeland through the subject of citizenship in students IX E High School State 1 Jabung Malang are: (a) Students sleep in the classroom, apathetic students while studying education of citizenry. The Master's Solution is to give examples or experiences of strengthening the character of love of the homeland through extracurricular activities, the Pancasila Learning Profile Project and the Nusantara Cultural Festival. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the strengthening of the character of the love of the homeland through the PKN in the students of the 1st State Jabung High School has been quite good but still less. So it needs to be reinforced through extracurricular activities and the Pancasila Learning Profile Learning Strengthening Project.


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How to Cite
Ngongo, K., & Pribadi, N. (2024). PENGUATAN KARAKTER CINTA TANAH AIR MELALUI PENDIDIKAN KEWARGANEGARAAN PADA SISWA. Jurnal Penelitian & Pengkajian Ilmiah Mahasiswa (JPPIM), 5(1), 51-59. Retrieved from