• Dwi Ambarwati
  • Dwi Ekasari Harmadji
  • Tio Arriela Doloksaribu
Keywords: Klik Indomaret, Preceived Ease of Use, Preceived Usefulness, Behavior Intention to Use


Klik Indomaret is one of the latest innovations in the field of information technology from PT Indomarco Prismatama to improve the process of selling Android-based goods. This research aims to test and provide evidence regarding the use of Klik Indomaret in the process of selling goods. In this research, the Theory of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) uses the independent variables, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness, while the dependent variable is perceived behavior to continue using it (Behavior Intention to Use). This research used a census method carried out on employees in the accounting department of Indomaret, Malang Branch, East Malang Manager area with a total of 40 shops consisting of 2 employees per shop, a total of 80 shop employee respondents. The test results show that perceived convenience has no effect on perceived behavior to continue using, perceived ease has a positive and significant effect on behavior to continue using, and the simultaneous variables of perceived convenience and usefulness do not simultaneously influence perceived behavior to continue using.


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How to Cite
Ambarwati, D., Harmadji, D., & Doloksaribu, T. (2024). DETERMINAN PENGGUNAAN KLIK INDOMARET UNTUK PROSES PENJUALAN BARANG. Jurnal Penelitian & Pengkajian Ilmiah Mahasiswa (JPPIM), 5(1), 60-71. Retrieved from