Pengunaan Emoticon Whatsapp Bagi Mahasiswa Sumba Tengah Di Universitas Wisnuwardhana Malang
Abstract: Symbols are emoticons to explain things that cannot be represented due to limitations in tone, voice, and expressions. This study aims to (1) describe the semiotic form of emoticons and (2) to describe the meaning of emoticons used by Central Sumba students at Universitas Wisnuwardhana Malang. Furthermore, this research was conducted using a descriptive method through a qualitative approach, in which the data used are pictures of WhatsApp emoticons in the WhatsApp application which were obtained from the chatting result from Central Sumba students at Universitas Wisnuwardhana Malang through documentation. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique applied is descriptive qualitative. Based on the research, the emoticon is used to a) reveal the state of the communicator and communicant, b) provide support, c) emphasize the message content, d) express feelings, e) apology, f) give consent, g) keep secret, h) mock, i) express disappointment, j) give encouragement, k) provide point, l) pat forehead, m) insinuate someone, n) express embarrassment, o) express sadness, p) express gratitude, q) laugh, and r) surrender. However, the meaning of emoticons used by one person to another person is varied depends on their experiences. Everyone must be sensitive in the use of emoticons because new media has significantly affected the current era.
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